Limited Time FREE Webinar: Online Business Startup Webinar

Ultimate FREE Webinar that Reveals the Path to Financial Freedom and Career Growth for Military Women

Are you a military women seeking avenues to achieve financial and career independence like so many? Do any of these describe you?

  • Active military women often have difficulty making ends meet among other challenges.

  • Military wives may face difficulty with career advancement due to station changes as often as every couple of years.

  • Women veterans may face challenges finding suitable employment after leaving the service as skills and experience gained in the service may not translate to the private sector.

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Our ultimate "Online Business Startup Webinar" offers a LIFE-CHANGING opportunity for you to embark on a path toward building an online business. 

Limited Time FREE Webinar: Online Business Startup Webinar

Ultimate FREE Webinar that Reveals the Path to Financial Freedom and Career Growth

for Military Women

Are you a military women seeking avenues to achieve financial and career independence like so many? Do any of these describe you?

  • Active military women often have difficulty making ends meet
    among other challenges.

  • Military wives may face difficulty with career advancement due to station changes as often as every couple of years.

  • Women veterans may face challenges finding suitable employment after leaving the service as skills and experience gained in the service may not translate to the private sector.

Our ultimate "Online Business Startup Webinar" offers a LIFE-CHANGING opportunity for you to embark on a path toward building an online business. 

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Multiple dates & times are available select as per 

your convenience  

This webinar equips you with the essential skills and knowledge required to establish a successful online business and empowers you to achieve financial freedom and career growth.

By embracing the power of technology and leveraging your unique skills, experiences and interests you can unlock the potential to build a thriving online business for yourself while serving the nation!

Moreover, you can not only work from home you can work from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection!

You can also set your own schedule around your military or family responsibilities. And, No college degree, work experience or special skills required. There are even online businesses you can start with little to no money!

This webinar equips you with the essential skills and knowledge required to establish a successful online business and empowers you to achieve financial freedom and career growth.

By embracing the power of technology and leveraging your unique skills, experiences and interests you can unlock the potential to build a thriving online business for yourself while serving the nation!

Moreover, you can not only work from home – you can work from anywhere in the world that has an Internet connection!

You can also set your own schedule around your military or family responsibilities. And, No college degree, work experience or special skills required. There are even online businesses you can start with little to no money!

Entrepreneur Education

for Military Women, Military Spouses And Women Veterans

In recent years, the role of women in the military has expanded significantly. With your dedication, skills, and commitment, you are breaking barriers and making us proud!

You face unique challenges when it comes to financial & career independence. Frequent deployments, relocation, long hours fulfilling duties, and the demands of military life often make it difficult to pursue traditional employment.

Additionally, the transition from military to civilian life can be daunting, with limited options and a lack of recognition for military skills.

This webinar will help you to discover the knowledge and tools to build an online business.

By leveraging the power of the internet, you can create a path to financial freedom and career fulfillment while harmoniously maintaining your military service and online business.

What you learn from this webinar can help you build a thriving online business that provides you financial stability, flexibility, and the satisfaction of pursuing your passions while serving the nation.

But, what if you don’t know what type of online business you can start or have the expertise to start?

Not to worry! There are hundreds of online business types like Influencer, Blogger, Podcaster, Coach, Course Creator, Freelancer, Online Shop Owner, Website Builder, App Developer, Content Writer, Graphic Designer, E-book writer, Recipe Developer, Online Retailer, Drop-shipper and more. 

You can become an Affiliate Marketer where you only promote and take orders for the products and services of an online seller who will pay you a commission for the sales you generate. And you never go out of pocket!

You can even turn a hobby into a profitable online business by teaching others what you know -- Baking, Quilting, Couponing, Photography, Child Rearing, Meal Planning, Spirituality, Woodworking, Weight Loss, Jewellery Making, Recipe Development, Dog Training and virtually anything you know how to do!!

You can also write a blog or host a podcast on that topic and get paid by sponsors, subscribers or both!

You can sell downloadable information products like digital reports, e-books, checklists, meal plans and recipes, and more.

You can also offer online courses and coaching live online through platforms like Zoom or by videos-on-demand you can create right on your smart phone.

Entrepreneur Education for Military Women, Military Spouses

And Women Veterans

In recent years, the role of women in the military has expanded significantly. With your dedication, skills, and commitment, you are breaking barriers and making us proud!

You face unique challenges when it comes to financial & career independence. Frequent deployments, relocation, long hours fulfilling duties, and the demands of military life often make it difficult to pursue traditional employment.

Additionally, the transition from military to civilian life can be daunting, with limited options and a lack of recognition for military skills.

This webinar will help you to discover the knowledge and tools to build an online business. By leveraging the power of the internet, you can create a path to financial freedom and career fulfillment while harmoniously maintaining your military service and online business.

What you learn from this webinar can help you build a thriving online business that provides you financial stability, flexibility, and the satisfaction of pursuing your passions while serving the nation.

But, what if you don’t know what type of online business you can start or have the expertise to start?

Not to worry! There are hundreds of online business types like Influencer, Blogger, Podcaster, Coach, Course Creator, Freelancer, Online Shop Owner, Website Builder, App Developer, Content Writer, Graphic Designer, E-book writer, Recipe Developer, Online Retailer, Drop-shipper and more. 

You can become an Affiliate Marketer where you only promote and take orders for the products and services of an online seller who will pay you a commission for the sales you generate. And you never go out of pocket!

You can even turn a hobby into a profitable online business by teaching others what you know -- Baking, Quilting, Couponing, Photography, Child Rearing, Meal Planning, Spirituality, Woodworking, Weight Loss, Jewellery Making, Recipe Development, Dog Training and virtually anything you know how to do!!

You can also write a blog or host a podcast on that topic and get paid by sponsors, subscribers or both!

You can sell downloadable information products like digital reports, e-books, checklists, meal plans and recipes, and more.

You can also offer online courses and coaching live online through platforms like Zoom or by videos-on-demand you can create right on your smart phone.

In This 60-Min Webinar You'll Learn the Basic Essentials

You Need to Start Your Online Business While Serving

In This 60-Min Webinar You'll Learn the Basic Essentials You Need to Start Your Online Business While Serving

Online businesses exploded during the pandemic even as traditional brick-and-mortar businesses closed down for good by the thousands. Online businesses are still booming today with a growing global audience of 5.18 billion people. This is equal to nearly 65 percent of the entire world population!

During the pandemic, online sales actually GREW – in fact they catapulted to over $1.7 trillion and by a whopping 55% in the US alone according as reported by Forbes.

And global digital spend is still accelerating and reaching $5.9 trillion in 2023 and, per Statistica, is forecast to reach $8.1 trillion globally by 2026.

What this means for you is this: In the history of the world, there has never been a better time to start on online business!

You can start now even if you are active military and reap the benefits of extra cash to supplement your paycheck, cover unexpected expenses like car repairs, pay toward daycare or to set aside for holiday gifts, family vacations, back-to school expenses or to go toward your kid’s college fund or your retirement nest-egg.  

It can even fund a downpayment for the dream home you've always wanted!

Grow the business at your own pace to build a secure future when you retire from the military. No need to search for employment as you will already have a full-time job as an online business owner!

There’s nothing stopping you!
  • No college degree or special work experience required.
  • Options exist for online business start-ups with little to no money.
  • Can be managed alongside military responsibilities.
  • ​You can work from home or anywhere in the world with Internet.
  • ​You set your schedule and work at your convenience.

We Can't Wait to Help You Overcome Your Challenges and Reach Your Goals!

Online businesses exploded during the pandemic even as traditional brick-and-mortar businesses closed down for good by the thousands. Online businesses are still booming today with a growing global audience of 5.18 billion people. This is equal to nearly 65 percent of the entire world population!

During the pandemic, online sales actually GREW – in fact they catapulted to over $1.7 trillion and by a whopping 55% in the US alone according as reported by Forbes.

And global digital spend is still accelerating and reaching $5.9 trillion in 2023 and, per Statistica, is forecast to reach $8.1 trillion globally by 2026.

What this means for you is this: In the history of the world, there has never been a better time to start on online business!

You can start now even if you are active military and reap the benefits of extra cash to supplement your paycheck, cover unexpected expenses like car repairs, pay toward daycare or to set aside for holiday gifts, family vacations, back-to school expenses or to go toward your kid’s college fund or your retirement nest-egg.  

It can even fund a downpayment for the dream home you've always wanted!

Grow the business at your own pace to build a secure future when you retire from the military. No need to search for employment as you will already have a full-time job as an online business owner!

There’s nothing stopping you!
  • No college degree or special work experience required.
  • Options exist for online business start-ups with little to no money.
  • Can be managed alongside military responsibilities.
  • ​You can work from home or anywhere in the world with Internet.
  • ​You set your schedule and work at your convenience.

We Can' t Wait to Help You Overcome Your Challenges and Reach Your Goals!

What You'll Learn in this FREE 60-Minute Online Business Startup Webinar


What Has Been Holding You Back?

You will learn how to develop a growth mindset. Those with a growth mindset embrace challenges, view failures as learning opportunities, and are motivated to continuously improve and expand their skills. You will also learn how to spot and overcome the false beliefs that hold you back. One many battle with is “imposter syndrome.”  This is where that little voice in your head tells you that you lack what it takes to run an online business. This lesson busts that lie wide-open!


Why Start an Online Business? 

This lesson will arm you with all the benefits and reasons for starting an online business. This is intended to help you finalize your decision to start an online business. It should also be helpful to you in getting those in your inner-circle behind your decision.


What Decisions Will You Need to Make? 

The decisions that lie ahead as you embark on the journey to start your online business are revealed in this lesson. These are so important to anticipate, understand and prepare for. This lesson will provide that roadmap.


How Will You Fund Your Start-up?

This lesson shows you the several options for funding your business. It explains and provides the pros and cons of each. 


How Will Your Business Be Legally Organized?

Here, you will learn about how and where to register your new business to make it official and to comply with the laws regulating business and commerce. You will need to choose the business structure that is best for your situation including sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), S-corporation or C-corporation (and know the differences between them), and joint venture.  This lesson covers all of this.  It even cover non-profit options.


How Will You Get Customers? 

How will you find prospects and acquire customers? It gets down to branding 

to create awareness and name recognition, positioning your business correctly, understanding the basics of organic marketing and paid social media advertising and grasping the sales funnel process that serves as the backbone of most online businesses.

What You'll Learn in this FREE 60-Minute Online Business Startup Webinar


What Has Been Holding You Back?

You will learn how to develop a growth mindset. Those with a growth mindset embrace challenges, view failures as learning opportunities, and are motivated to continuously improve and expand their skills. You will also learn how to spot and overcome the false beliefs that hold you back. One many battle with is “imposter syndrome.”  This is where that little voice in your head tells you that you lack what it takes to run an online business. This lesson busts that lie wide-open!


Why Start an Online Business? 

This lesson will arm you with all the benefits and reasons for starting an online business. This is intended to help you finalize your decision to start an online business. It should also be helpful to you in getting those in your inner-circle behind your decision.


What Decisions Will You Need to Make? 

The decisions that lie ahead as you embark on the journey to start your online business are revealed in this lesson. These are so important to anticipate, understand and prepare for. This lesson will provide that roadmap.


How Will You Fund Your Start-up?

This lesson shows you the several options for funding your business. It explains and provides the pros and cons of each.


How Will Your Business Be Legally Organized?

Here, you will learn about how and where to register your new business to make it official and to comply with the laws regulating business and commerce. You will need to choose the business structure that is best for your situation including sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), S-corporation or C-corporation (and know the differences between them), and joint venture.  This lesson covers all of this.  It even cover non-profit options.


How Will You Get Customers? 

How will you find prospects and acquire customers? It gets down to branding 

to create awareness and name recognition, positioning your business correctly, understanding the basics of organic marketing and paid social media advertising and grasping the sales funnel process that serves as the backbone of most online businesses.

Accelerate Your Journey

to Financial and Career Independence as a Military Woman

Building an online business offers unique advantages for military women. It provides the flexibility to work from any location, allowing you to maintain military commitments while pursuing your entrepreneurial endeavors. Online businesses can be built around various interests, skills, or passions, enabling you to create a business aligned with your strengths!

Audrey Steidl, Author & Business Owner

“I had the tremendous privilege of working with Tommi Pryor for over three months as she provided one-on-one coaching for a complex new endeavor that included everything from formulating a long-term plan to assisting me in defining my  goals and objectives, Tommi is not only a great motivator but also, a detailed strategist providing me with daily objectives and accountability. Without Tommi, I would have been lost!”

 This Webinar is 100% FREE! 

 Warning - Limited Time Webinar! May Revert to It's retail price of $497 at any time 

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Multiple dates & times are available

select as per your convenience  

Accelerate Your Journey to Financial and Career Independence as a Military Woman

Building an online business offers unique advantages for military women. It provides the flexibility to work from any location, allowing you to maintain military commitments while pursuing your entrepreneurial endeavors. Online businesses can be built around various interests, skills, or passions, enabling you to create a business aligned with your strengths!

Audrey Steidl, Author & Business Owner

“I had the tremendous privilege of working with Tommi Pryor for over three months as she provided one-on-one coaching for a complex new endeavor that included everything from formulating a long-term plan to assisting me in defining my  goals and objectives, Tommi is not only a great motivator but also, a detailed strategist providing me with daily objectives and accountability. Without Tommi, I would have been lost!”

 This Webinar is 100% FREE! 

 Warning - Limited Time Webinar! May Revert to It's retail price of $497 at any time 

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Multiple dates & times are available select

as per your convenience  

Meet Your Webinar Host and Business Coach

Tommi Pryor (B.S., M.A.)

Entrepreneur, Author, Business Owner and Coach

Earn While You Serve is a passion project of Pryor Knowledge Coaching founded by Tommi Pryor. She is a nationally known marketing strategist, business trainer, author and founder of numerous businesses. Over the years, her advice and services have been sought and used by the likes of a dozen U.S. presidential campaigns, U.S. congressional offices, prominent national nonprofits, prestigious universities, leading metro newspapers, businesses ranging from telecom giants to home-based micro-businesses, and even a Hollywood film studio needing help with marketing for a feature film starring Oscar winner Jon Voight and an all-star cast.

Tommi is a business startup expert having founded businesses in numerous industries. Her current flagship business is an online digital marketing agency and consultancy nearing two decades in business. Under that umbrella, she also offers Pryor Knowledge Coaching and its "Earn While You Serve" program. 

Tommi also has an extensive background as a corporate trainer. adult business educator and conference presenter. Among the books Tommi has authored and co-authored is How to Make Extra Money: 100 Home-based Businesses for Part-Time and Retirement Income. Larenzana Press, 2012. 

As a career entrepreneur, most of her focus today is on helping small and micro- online businesses grow and new entrepreneurs with building their online businesses. She has a particular heart for helping those from disadvantaged and underserved communities.  She was raised in a multi-generation military family and cares deeply about this project.

Tommi has been mentioned or featured in major media including the following syndicates and networks:

Meet Your Webinar Host and Business Coach


Tommi Pryor (B.S., M.A.)

Entrepreneur, Author, Business Owner and Coach

Earn While You Serve is a passion project of Pryor Knowledge Coaching founded by Tommi Pryor. She is a nationally known marketing strategist, business trainer, author and founder of numerous businesses. Over the years, her advice and services have been sought and used by the likes of a dozen U.S. presidential campaigns, U.S. congressional offices, prominent national nonprofits, prestigious universities, leading metro newspapers, businesses ranging from telecom giants to home

-based micro-businesses, and even a Hollywood film studio needing help with marketing for a feature film starring Oscar winner Jon Voight and an all-star cast.

Tommi is a business startup expert having founded businesses in numerous industries. Her current flagship business is an online digital marketing agency and consultancy nearing two decades in business. Under that umbrella, she also offers Pryor Knowledge Coaching and its "Earn While You Serve" program. 

Tommi also has an extensive background as a corporate trainer. adult business educator and conference presenter.

Among the books Tommi has authored and co-authored is How to Make Extra Money: 100 Home-based Businesses for Part-Time and Retirement Income. Larenzana Press, 2012. 

As a career entrepreneur, most of her focus today is on helping small and micro- online businesses grow and new entrepreneurs with building their online businesses. She has a particular heart for helping those from disadvantaged and underserved communities. She was raised in a multi-generation military family and cares deeply about this project.

Tommi has been mentioned or featured in major media including the following syndicates and networks:

Testimonials from Alumni of this FREE Webinar

“Starting a business is something we’ve wanted to do for years and have met with so much confusion. We’ve been stuck like a deer in the headlights. You’ve taken away all of the hesitation and confusion. You’ve taught us things we could not find in any book. I’ll be sharing about your course with my friends and loved ones and know it will change their lives too! What you’ve done is nothing short of amazing!”

Teresa Lee

Addiction and Healing Life


"Great webinar to get you started thinking about what direction to go and how to get started.  Tommi provides questions you'll need to ask yourself to get started.  While it can seem overwhelming to undertake starting a business, a crash course like this helps it be more digestible with specific action items to get you started. As always, if you feel that tug to take the course DO IT. That tug is there for a reason.  Keep dreaming"

Brittani Lynn

Emtrepreneur at Leve-el and Merrill Signature Properties

"I just completed the 60 Minute Online Business Startup Webinar  Wow! Tommi makes it feel like you have a guide who has been there and done it sitting right beside you.  If you want to explore how you might actualize your dreams to own your own online business, who you choose to guide you can be a big determinant in your success. Invest 60 minutes in yourself

and your future and let Tommi inspire 

you with what is possible.

Leslie Laughlin Pitt, M.A.

Licensed Marriage and Family


Achieve Your Dreams Beyond the Uniform: Let my"60-Minute Online Business Crash Course" serve as your first step toward Financial and Career Independence

YOU'RE JUST ONE STEP AWAY from Financial and Career Independence.  

Your Online Business will empower you to take control of your financial future and career while serving the nation!

Testimonials from Alumni of this FREE Webinar

“Starting a business is something we’ve wanted to do for years and have met with so much confusion. We’ve been stuck like a deer in the headlights. You’ve taken away all of the hesitation and confusion. You’ve taught us things we could not find in any book. I’ll be sharing about your course with my friends and loved ones and know it will change their lives too! What you’ve done is nothing short of amazing!”

Teresa Lee

Addiction and Healing Life Coach
"Great webinar to get you started thinking about what direction to go and how to get started.  Tommi provides questions you'll need to ask yourself to get started.  While it can seem overwhelming to undertake starting a business, a crash course like this helps it be more digestible with specific action items to get you started.  As always, if you feel that tug to take the course DO IT. That tug is there for a reason.  Keep dreaming"

Brittani Lynn

Emtrepreneur at Leve-el

and Merrill Signature Properties

"I just completed the 60 Minute Online Business Startup Webinar  Wow! Tommi makes it feel like you have a guide who has been there and done it sitting right beside you.  If you want to explore how you might actualize your dreams to own your own online business, who you choose to guide you can be a big determinant in your success. Invest 60 minutes in yourself and your future and let Tommi inspire  you with what is possible.

Leslie Laughlin Pitt, M.A.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Achieve Your Dreams Beyond the Uniform: Let my 60-Minute Online Business Webinar Serve as Your First Step Toward Financial and Career Growth

YOU'RE JUST ONE STEP AWAY from Financial and Career Independence. Your Online Business will empower you to take control of your financial future and career while serving the nation!

Achieve Your Dreams Beyond the Uniform: Let my 60-Minute Online Business Webinar Serve as Your First Step Toward Financial and Career Growth

YOU'RE JUST ONE STEP AWAY from Financial and Career Independence. Your Online Business will empower you to take control of your financial future and career while serving the nation!

© 2024 American Information Marketing LLC D/B/A Pryor Knowledge and Earn While You Serve Entrepreneur Academy.  All Rights Reserved.